September Update

So much for good intentions, my updates were definitely impacted by the summer vacation and changing job. So what has happened?

The plow

Well back mid-July South Branch took delivery of the vibrating plow. shiny new plow

Daniel also created a shared album for photos and videos from the handover and training event. if (like me) you have no clue what a vibrating plow is, or how it works, check out the video here showing a little of its power

The City

We are making great progress with City of Palo Alto. We need to submit the drawings for our permit, which we are working on as quickly as we can. Various Palo Alto departments have been positive about our initiative and as we progress they may be able to support our efforts to extend our coverage. The City may not always be quick (ha) but at this time they are not slowing us down.

The installation

Unfortunately, the global supply chain issues continue to plague us. Next Level Networks has done a great job of finding a source of microduct and the network vaults that we need. The availability of the Fibre is still a number of weeks away!

The timeline

At this stage we expect to have the materials and permits no earlier than the end of the year. The actual installation once materials have arrived is remarkably quick, and we are in a good position to offer service in Q1 of 2023.

– Marc

If you want to reserve time on the plow, 1.5 ton mini-excavator, or our other gear. Contact Daniel or check out for info on what they have